Temperature Wind Chill Wind Speed Temperature, Wind Chill and Wind Speed
Sunrise is 05:08, sunset is 18:45 - Sunrise Hour=5 - Sunset Hour=19
      Forecast generated on Wednesday 24th of April 2024 at 17:00 hrs MST
Time Temperature Wind Chill Conditions Precipitation Humidity Wind
Monday 29th April 2024
2 pm 55.2 ° F 54.6 ° F
Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy
0inches 41 % 4.5 mph
Wind from the NNW
3 pm 56 ° F 55.9 ° F
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy
0inches 40.1 % 3.9 mph
Wind from the NNW
4 pm 56.4 ° F 56.4 ° F
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy
0inches 39.9 % 2.9 mph
Wind from the NNW
5 pm 55.9 ° F 55.9 ° F
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy
0inches 41 % 2.5 mph
Wind from the NNW
WxSimCSV Version 0.32.19
Script courtesy of: www.wellingtonweatheruk.com
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